The first international conference in sand and dust storms live streaming – Day 2
Watch the live streaming of the first international conference on sand and dust storms – Day 2
The first international conference in sand and dust storms live streaming – Day 3
Watch the live streaming of the first international conference on sand and dust storms – Day 3
The first international conference in sand and dust storms live streaming – Day 1
Watch the live streaming of the first international conference on sand and dust storms
The first International conference on Sand and Dust Storms
The first International conference on Sand and Dust Storms agenda
International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms
International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms 90 scientists and experts participate in the International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms seminar Sand and Dust Storm Warning Regional Center organized on Wednesday, July 12, a specialized seminar on the occasion of the International Day of Combating Sand and Dust Storms. This day is […]
Workshop WMO Regional Node of Sand & Dust Storm Warning,Advisory and Assessment System for GCC