SEMARA is a high-resolution aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieval algorithm that incorporates two algorithms, Simplified and Robust Surface Reflectance Estimation Method (SREM) for estimating surface reflectance and the Simplified Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm (SARA) for retrieving AOD. This study used SEMARA approach for retrieving AOD utilizing data obtained from Aqua-MODIS in the green channel. The algorithm had good agreement with AERONET data (R = 0.98). Also it was analyzed over a wide area containing five provinces in Iran. SEMARA AOD retrievals were compared with the operational MODIS aerosol retrieval algorithms, including Dark Target (DT), Deep Blue (DB), and Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) AOD retrievals over different land covers and low to high aerosol loadings. The results show high consistency in SEMARA AOD retrievals with MAIAC AOD retrievals, with an average correlation coefficient of 0.61, while the correlation coefficient with DB and DT was 0.50 and 0.29, respectively. During high AOD loadings and over bright surfaces, the best agreement of SEMARA AOD and DT, DB, and MAIAC AOD was achieved with correlation coefficients of 0.52, 0.75, and 0.80, respectively. SEMARA AOD shows the best spatial coverage, averaging 80%, while MAIAC, DB, and DT had 54%, 32%, and 12% spatial coverage, respectively. This study concluded that SEMARA AOD can retrieve AOD over various land covers and during low to high AOD loadings with acceptable results.