While air pollution due to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has been effectively controlled in China; the photochemical pollution characterized by elevated ozone (O3) has emerged as a major concern for air quality improvement. Except for ozone, Lhasa is one of the cleanest cities in China with the lowest annual PM2.5 concentration in 2017. The levels of major air pollutants in Lhasa are much lower than those of other cities in the eastern region of China, especially in May, when the O3 concentration peaks. This study was based on multi-source observations in combination with the Goddard Earth Observing System coupled with chemistry (GEOS-Chem) and the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) models to explore the causes of O3 pollution in Lhasa in May 2023. The results indicated that during the high O3 episodes, the concentrations of O3 precursors were low in Lhasa. Surrounding cities in other parts of the Tibetan Plateau also experienced high ozone concentrations despite being in different airsheds, suggesting that the O3 pollution in Lhasa was caused by regional transport rather than purely local emissions. Stratospheric intrusion events modulated by the westerly jet led to elevated ozone in the troposphere above Lhasa City. The results of the GEOS-Chem model indicated that horizontal advection, turbulence, diffusion, and other effects led to high concentrations of ozone in the near-surface above Lhasa. Vertical transport was the dominant factor leading to ozone concentration increases during high ozone days, with a contribution of 6.33 Gg/day. In addition, high-altitude air masses with a maximum altitude of over 8000 m, were observed arriving in Lhasa during the high ozone days. This study revealed that stratospheric intrusions have a greater contribution to the high O3 concentration in Lhasa in spring and provided a scientific basis for mitigating O3 pollution in the plateau cities.